Mariah Carey’s Best Healthy Meals

Mariah Carey's best healthy meals

Mariah Carey declared brunch is out and linner is in, meaning a late dinner, via her Twitter account recently. Not to be confused with how the term linner has previously been used to combine lunch and dinner, as in a late lunch, coined by a popular Seinfeld epsiode. But to each their own especially if you’re Mimi. So here are 10 queen-approved ideas for a late-night bite.


If you’re up eating late, you want a light meal that won’t be too heavy on your stomach, so salmon fits the bill perfectly. Broiled salmon would be a delicious linner to eat after-hours. It’s rumored that Mariah Carey only eats salmon and capers (not recommended for a balanced diet, but hey, it’s Mariah), so maybe salmon could be her favorite linner meal.

2. Sweet Potato Fries

Munching on fries on the side is great, but try a lighter alternative when you’re having linner. Sweet potato fries have less grease, but the same amount of great taste.

3. Noodles and Peanuts

For an Asian-inspired linner, try this Thai go-to dish filled with peanuts and noodles. The linner will be filling and delicious.

4. Avocado quesadillas

For a Latin-inspired light meal, try this healthy alternative to a late-night craving for fast-food tacos.

5. Vegan Mac and Cheese

Mac and cheese is a late-night favorite, but try a vegan alternative for linner. Swap out powdered cheese packets for cauliflower for vegan mac and cheese.

6. Spinach Artichoke Grilled Cheese

Grilled cheese is a delicious late-night snack, but it can use an upgrade. This vegan version of grilled cheese will definitely make a hearty linner meal.

7. Veggie Burger Salad

Try this salad with hearty veggie burger strips to fill up after a long day. This salad would make a great linner.

8. Baked Chicken Wings

Chicken wings are a late-night favorite, but greasy chicken wings are hard to digest at night. Try baked wings for the same great taste, but with less oil and fat.

9. Oatmeal Chocolate Cookies

Who doesn’t love dessert? A sweet treat would be just delitable to top off linner. Standard chocolate chip cookies get a healthier twist with oatmeal, but still have a yummy taste.

10. Black Bean Brownies

Brownies would be a perfect linner dessert as well, but they might be too sweet for a late at night. So try this vegan alternative for a treat that’s delicious but not too rich.

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