5 Kitchen Hacks for a Weight Loss Win

kitchen hacks

When it comes to losing weight, it isn’t about the number on the scale; it’s about the small actions you take every day to reach your goal. At the end of the day, it’s your habits and systems that lead to results.

Making small changes in the kitchen is a great starting point for making progress and losing weight. Here are five kitchen hacks that will help you do what it takes to achieve and maintain your weight loss goals.

Use Meal Prep Shortcuts

When people hear about needing to meal prep to be healthier, they often get overwhelmed. If you have a busy schedule or lack the skills you think you need to succeed, the idea of planning and preparing meals can be stressful. Fortunately, there are shortcuts that can make your efforts easier.

Don’t hesitate to purchase oven-ready protein or chopped veggies from the grocery store to skip a few steps. Even a roasted chicken with a pre-made salad is a better option than hitting the drive-thru. Use tools that do the work for you, like a crockpot or pressure cooker.

Finally, if you’re really struggling, use a meal preparation service. Nutrisystem is one example of a meal prep service. Guys from Pretty Sweet recommend, “The Nutrisystem program offers plans for both women and men, including plans with menus specially tailored for diabetics, and vegetarians”. There are plenty of options available to suit your individual needs.

Measure and Weigh Your Food

There’s a lot of controversy surrounding whether or not people should measure and weigh their food. There’s a concern that getting too meticulous is unsustainable or leads to obsessive behavior. However, as a short-term learning strategy, it can be very effective.

People often underestimate their calorie consumption. When trying to lose weight, it can be helpful to measure and weigh your food until you get better at measuring portions by eye. Conversely, using the Precision Nutrition hand portion guide is a way to ditch the scale and measuring cups while still practicing portion control.

Declutter and Reorganize

Clutter can cause stress and anxiety. To make your kitchen a practical, inviting space, purge your cupboards, and streamline your organization efforts. Dispose of food that’s stale or expired. If you have food that doesn’t reach your goals, pass it along as well.

Consider donating un-open items that are not yet expired to the local food bank if they don’t align with your weight loss goals.

Eliminate Temptations

The best way to avoid snacking and treats is to make them as difficult to obtain as possible. Set a goal not to bring tempting food into the house. Instead, make healthy food readily available. This strategy is a great way to create healthy habits for the whole family.

When you give in to temptation, be mindful about it, and make a plan to scale back. Rather than coming home with two bags of theater popcorn in a two-for-one deal, just purchase one or donate the other. Instead of bringing home a large bag of chips, grab a smaller bag.

Stock up on Frozen Produce

Frozen produce gets a bad rap. It’s widely perceived as a subpar product when, in actuality, it’s often more nutritious. When fruit or vegetables are harvested to be frozen, they are often flash-frozen at peak freshness, preserving the nutrients. Fresh produce, on the other hand, sits in a warehouse, on a truck, and in the store at varying temperatures, which diminishes the nutritional quality.

Stock up on frozen produce for quick healthy smoothies, breakfasts, and sauces. Not only will you have healthy food readily available, but it will also save you money on your grocery bill and food waste.

With these five simple kitchen hacks, you can set yourself up for weight loss success.

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