5 Things You Need to Know About Dating in 2020

emotional relationship

What’s it like to date in 2020? If you’re single and looking for love, the modern dating scene can feel a little intimidating. 

When you’re looking for the perfect match, here are five things you need to know about dating in 2020.  

1. The rules have changed. 

Going on a “first date,” bringing flowers and having a formal dinner, sticking to guidelines on when it’s okay to kiss or have that first roll in the hay — all these ideas are obsolete. Sure, you can stick to these rules. But there’s no guarantee anyone else will. The modern rules are that there are no rules. What does that mean if you are out there on the playing field? It means you get to decide what makes you happy. And you get the freedom of choosing someone who is agreeable to that choice.

2. People have less time than ever.

Okay, the number of hours in a day hasn’t changed. But we are cramming more and more into those hours. We multitask, which means we don’t give our attention to any one thing very often. We make quick judgments and rely on first impressions. It sounds like the odds aren’t in your favor, but there are a few things you can do to sidestep these challenges: Be clear — about your intentions and what you are looking for in a dating relationship. Be well-dressed. If you put on certain clothes for a job interview, surely you can step it up a little for dating. Be yourself — and be the best version. There’s not enough time to act like someone else and then attract the wrong mate. Be bold. When you find someone you like, go after them. 

3. There are options for everyone. 

The benefit of the modern world of dating is that we’ve devised so many new exciting ways to get out there and meet people. Or even to stay in and meet people. Sure, you can still meet people at work or at school. You can go to bars and clubs. You can ask friends to set you up or chat up a stranger in the grocery store line. But you can also download a dating app and with all the options out there, you can get ultra-specific on the type of date you are looking for. Another excellent way to meet a variety of people in London speed dating. These events are great for those lacking in time as you essentially have up to 20 mini-dates in one evening. 

4. In-person is still the best. 

While communication is happening digitally all the time now, our messages get muffled and misinterpreted more often than we even realize. Face-to-face dating is a much more accurate assessment of a human being’s intentions. People are still people. And eye contact is priceless. The online options are there and plentiful, but it’s harder to sift out the real from the fake.

5. Love is alive. 

In the modern world of technology and devices, nothing beats a human connection. People may be busier and more digitally-connected than ever, but they still want love. If you want it too, put your intention out there, let people know what you’re looking for, and don’t lose hope. Enjoy the journey, have fun in the process and focus on getting happy with yourself. You’ll find this has positive repercussions on every potential relationship that blossoms.

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