A Chat with the Creator of Pumps and Pouts

A Chat With The Creator of Pumps and Pouts

Meet Kayla Crosby, a fashion designer, beauty junkie, lifestyle blogger and owner of Pumps and Pouts!

What inspired you to create Pumps and Pouts?
Kayla: Well, Pumps and Pouts wasn’t always Pumps and Pouts actually. When I first started blogging, I ran a blog called Frugalicious Chic which later turned into J’adore Kay Doll. I went through a couple of years trying to find my voice and what I was most passionate about writing on. January of 2016, I really focused a lot on where I wanted to take blogging and really creating a brand that I could develop into something bigger. I also wanted to focus on content that I would be excited to write about. I love sharing and am inspired by fashion trends, makeup looks, home interiors, or even recipes that I obsess over. And I’m always finding new things that get me excited all the time. So, that April I rebranded for the final time and launched Pumps and Pouts, a place where I could share all of my #LatestObsessions within fashion, beauty, and lifestyle!

What is your favorite part of fashion blogging?
Kayla: My favorite part of blogging is creating content in general. I have always been a creative. Whether it’s creating graphics for my blog, taking photos, or editing videos, I really enjoy creating cool content.

How do you find the time for all of your work and interests?
Kayla: I wish I could tell you! Lol, It’s really tough trying to find time and energy when you work full time and your commute takes up about 3-4 hours of your day. Usually, the weekends are when I get the bulk of my work done. I’ll film multiple videos and shoot a few looks over 2 days, and then during the week on lunch or in the evening, I’m editing and scheduling content.

What inspires your own fashion and designs?
Kayla: Previous decades, art, and architecture have always inspired me when it comes to design. My senior collection at SCAD was inspired by 1970s home furnishings and décor. Lol, I just loved the textures, patterns and crazy forms of the furniture and things!

What inspires your bridal fashion and advice on your blog?
Kayla: I recently got married a couple of weeks ago, so most of the advice and inspiration will come from my personal experience and the advice I’ve received from other brides-to-be’s. And Pinterest, of course!

What are some are your favorite tips and tricks for people looking to update their fashion or beauty routine?
Kayla: Always think in terms of how you can put your own spin on it and make it yours! When I’m browsing through looks from runway shows or other bloggers to get inspiration, I’m always thinking about how I would wear it. How can I make this look work for me where I feel the most confident and comfortable in? For beauty, again you have to find what works for you. Some products don’t work best with certain skin types, or some lip shades work best on different undertones. So, knowing yourself and what works for you definitely help. However! Don’t be afraid to try new looks, that’s the only way you will find out if it does work for you or not.

What do you love the most about fashion and the industry itself?
Kayla: That it is constantly evolving and changing and that there is literally something for everybody. Fashion is definitely a form of art to me, and love being able to and seeing another express themselves in fashion and style.

What are some must-have pieces that you think need to be in a fashionable wardrobe?
Kayla: You definitely need your classic staple pieces. You have to have your classic button-up, cardigan, denim, A-line/pencil skirt, trouser, and a classic pump. Trendy pieces are nice to have but your classic pieces will last you forever.


How do you decide what to blog about and share with your followers?
Kayla: Staying in the know of the latest and the greatest and staying current on new products and fashion trends usually help me decide on what to share. I am always on the hunt for the product or style that is going to be my next latest obsession. I spend a lot of time on Pinterest and reading magazines to find cool inspiration or product launches to be on the lookout for.

Do you have any suggestions for people looking to be a part of the fashion industry?
Kayla: It is not as easy as it seems, there is a lot of work that goes into it. From the design itself to the marketing material, the retail side of things, it’s a lot to handle. Also, be prepared to move if you don’t live in a city with a good fashion hub. In Atlanta, there are a handful of apparel design companies and extremely tough to get a job there. Be prepared to possibly move to NY or LA, or even out of the country. I really had no desire to move full time out of Georgia, so I ended up in a completely different industry than I went to school for.

What lessons did you learn from working with more than one Design Company?
Kayla: I learned so much, especially when I worked at SPANX. I absolutely enjoyed working there and really tried to absorb as much knowledge about the apparel and shapewear market as I could. It was pretty awesome to be able to go through the whole design process for each season and see the final product in store!

What would be your dream job?
Kayla: It has always been a dream of mine to create my own fashion line since I was 8. I knew I wanted to be a designer since I was a kid and did everything I could to do so. Even though I’m not currently in design now, that is still my ultimate goal in the end.

What are your plans for the future and your fashion career?
Kayla: I am going to continue blogging for sure, but later on I am going to take that giant leap and start my own fashion line and maybe even a cosmetic line too! I have fallen love with makeup and would love to dabble in that market as well.

Interview by Kimberley Spinney

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