The Best Pre-holiday Vacations You Should Take This Year

And Why You Should Take Some "You" Time Before the Holidays

If anytime is a good time for a vacation, why not now? Get into the vacay spirit before you get into the holiday spirit. Trust me, you’ll be so glad you did! Especially since these are the best pre-holiday vacations to take this year, or really any time.

The Beach Vacay

Because who doesn’t love a beach vacation? Well, I would say most do! Relaxing, sunning yourself, enjoying the salty air and the saltier water. Haha, me. I don’t love the beach. But where can you get an amazing beach, delicious restaurants, pink sand beaches and an ocean view?

Bermuda is the answer! This is a must visit destination. Everything is pink or some other beachy colors, the vibe is very relaxed, and there is everything beach to do there. You can snorkel, do excursions, lay around and enjoy the beach, and even play volleyball if you want. What you cannot do is drive yourself because there are no rental cars there. What’s a vacay if you have to drive yourself anyhow?

The Mountains Vacay

Sure, it’s cold and a little snowy back home. But you love that! Bring on the winter hiking and camping, the ice fishing, and the snow showing! Pick a place with a lodge, skiing, and maybe a hot tub for the perfect chill weekend before the holidays. Get it? Chill? Haha.

And where to get this amazing vacation? The answer is Lake Tahoe California. My best friend swears by this city, and personally, what could be better? A touristy little mountain town, where you can do more than mountain things if you want to? Sign me up!

Holidays are Stressful

Even if you love your family and friends, it’s a busy time. There is so much to do around the holidays and there are constant plans, parties, events, and more. Who doesn’t want to take a vacation, go exploring, and enjoy a couple extra seconds to breathe first?


Vacations are to help us relax. Step away from your laptop, phone, pager, computer, work emails, and everything else you have to do and do more of what you want to do! Hike (for me,) golf (for my hubby,) wake up an hour later than normal, take walks and explore your new area, watch some extra shows and step away from the housework and life work. It’s vacation time!


Right before the holidays is a great time to unwind. There are so many things to take care of, presents to buy, foods to make, and people to please during this time. Take a second for you, your person, your family, and just do something that will set this time away from the festive time. Literally take a breath of fresh air, stop and smell the roses, and really connect with the world and the people around you. The holidays will be here and gone before you know it and a new year will be upon us!


And with a new year just around the corner, now is an amazing time to reflect. Think of all the good times you’ve had this past year. (Obviously not everything was good, but don’t focus, dwell or think on the bad, it won’t do you any good!) Look back at the positive things that happened this year and think about what to do with your next year. Whether it’s goals on your mind, a new lifestyle, or incorporating more of you into your everyday, this reflection now will help you to create an amazing year to come.


I’m not a planner but def a do-lister. I like to think about the future, goals, and what about for the next year. Since you took the time to relax and reflect, what better time to make a plan? Choose some goals, a date, and some steps to help you get there. Write it down or pick an accountability partner, preferably someone else who has a similar goal, and tell them. Things are always easier when you have someone else positively pushing you forward.


The timing of a vacation is good. While the holidays are busier than ever, there aren’t a lot of plans before holidays, so it’s a great time to go on an impromptu vacay. The weather is bad in some areas already so it’s nice to get away from that and who doesn’t love vacation anyhow?

You should take a pre-holiday vacation, to wherever you love the most! Do some relaxing and thinking, and if you feel like it, planning. But whatever you do, smile because this is your last vacay before the holiday!


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