Building Your Romantic Confidence

Building Your Romantic Confidence

When it comes to confidence, there are some instances when we all feel less than self-assured, whether because of our bodies or our level of experience. For some women and men, a lack of confidence can be very detrimental when it comes to a relationship and taking things to the next level romantically.

While the expression “fake it until you make it” might not always be the best idea, especially when talking about orgasms when it comes to confidence, this is one instance when faking can actually be a good thing. In order to actually build up your romantic confidence, it might be necessary to pretend that you are a truly self-assured person. The more you pretend to be confident, the more you will start to feel it over time.

No matter who you are, the one thing you want in a partner is someone who has confidence in themselves, and the last the thing you want is to make your partner feel as if you are lacking in that department. This is especially true in the bedroom because as anyone can tell you, confidence is copulationy and even if you have to fake it, that sense of self-worth will allow both you and your partner to enjoy each other.

Typically when you are dating someone they are actually quite into you and they are with you because you are attractive and interesting to them. At the same time, your partner is also just as excited to be with you, as they are excited by the fact that you are into them. You should never feel like you have to question that interest or their desire to be with you.

Once you have gotten to a point in your relationship that you feel like you both want to be intimate with each other, the last thing you should be worrying about is your partner’s interest in you. Clearly, your partner is into you because they want to take things to the next level. Even if you are still feeling less than confident in yourself, your body, or even your sensual prowess, this is the time to bring the idea of faking it into the picture.

Although you do not want to fake satisfaction in the bedroom, there are other ways to fake your confidence level until you actually feel it for yourself. This is a chance to really let down your hair and have fun with your partner.

Sometimes in order to fake confidence, you may need to put on a show of sorts. This means forgetting all of your worries and cares; leave on the lights in the bedroom and have fun. Look your partner in the eye as you walk towards them or while you are leaning in for a kiss, whatever it is that you are doing, keep eye contact so that you show them just how focused on them you really are. Not only is this a chance to show off your confidence (even if it is currently fake), but it will be a copulationy way to seduce your partner as a whole.

Beyond loosening up and letting down your hair, you may also want to initiate the sensual encounter. Even if you are still struggling to find your confidence in your relationship, particularly in the bedroom, when you initiate the copulation, it will show them that you want and desire them. While you are showing them your desire, they will be showing you that they do in fact want you just as much as you want them.

Relationships are a two-way street, and the last thing you want is to have regrets and resentments. Confidence is important, and pushing past your comfort zone will show your partner that you want them as much as they want you, which will not only build their own confidence, but it will help you to find yours in the relationship.

Image by Skeyndor via Flickr

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