Capricorn Dating Tips – How to Attract Capricorn Women

Capricorn dates and what to expect during your date with a Capricorn will provide you with insight into the sign’s attitude toward relationships. When we read their signs in the zodiac we see that they can be quite capricious in the things they do and in the life they lead. Capricorns tend to be very emotional and their need to be needed and loved often takes precedence over other needs they have.

Capricorn’s ruling planet is earth, the element of water. If you take these two things together, you can see why the Capricorn has such an affinity for water. Water rulership is associated with the cardinal sign earth sign. The cardinal rule is to take responsibility for all affairs in your life. You are the ultimate arbiter and must make sure everyone gets what they want. Your influence is great and you are well known for being fair in your dealings with others.

According to the zodiac signs, Capricorn’s ruling planet is also a water sign. If you take these two things together, you can see that Capricorn’s great need to be needed and loved also stems from his water sign. While he may not have a great deal of time to devote to his relationships, he does need to spend time doing things with his friends and family. He likes to share, especially sharing with people like himself with people who share a similar “spirit”. A Capricorn is always open to new experiences and will often find himself surrounded by interesting people.

The first part of any Capricorn sign compatibility assessment is to look at your Capricorn’s zodiac sign. The easiest way to do this is to look at your sign in the birth chart. The rising sign is always to the left of the rising Sun and to the right of the moon. As you learn more about your sign in the birth chart, you will begin to see some patterns that begin to emerge.

One of the things that comes up on your birth chart is a home location. If you live in a place with a warm, sun filled sky with plenty of activity then a Capricorn with an east or west energy birth chart may not mesh well. The Capricorn being a nautical creature may also not enjoy the thought of being outside their star sign on a sunny day. For all their good points though Capricorns do make excellent companions because of their sunny disposition and their love of the beach.

For Capricorns you want to be sure to take them on beach trips if at all possible. This is where you will find that they are most likely to get into arguments. If you are taking them on a date and you happen to bring up the subject of the beach then expect Capricorn to come out with a number of defenses for their attitude. If they don’t have any logical fall backs then expect that they will try and convince you that there is no way they could possibly be interested in the idea of being beach buddies with you if you bring that up.

For Capricorns you can expect to find that they are very adventurous and that they like to try new things. Being a sign of the sea means that they also like the idea of swimming. A Capricorn man is likely to love the idea of spending a day at the beach but only if there are some nice beaches nearby. They don’t really like the idea of staying close to land because it reminds them of the cold sea floors. That’s why most Capricorn males tend to be somewhat water-based type of people. They have strong Oceanside dreams.

The most important quality that you as a Capricorn man wants from a woman is a good sense of humor because this is the sign of the clown. They do enjoy cracking jokes but only if it is related to nature and the world of the living. A good sense of humor is important to a Capricorn because of their deep-seated need for entertainment and laughter. Being humorous is just another way of expressing their adventurous side and their desire to learn more about the outer space or other space activities.

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