7 Questions To Ask Your Catholic Date

catholic date

Have you met someone that is Catholic and you don’t know what to talk to about on the date? We’ve got you covered with some questions you can ask your Catholic date to avoid awkward silence.

The dating landscape has changed tremendously in recent years because of the increasing popularity of social media platforms and dating apps. Although the traditional way of meeting someone through friends, family, and the community is still an excellent way to find your match, you should not close your door to new things and new dating technologies. As Catholics, there are many things you can do to keep to your faith even if you pursue real and meaningful relationships through apps and websites. 

Pray Before a Catholic Date

Since temptation may lead you astray while dating and finding your special someone, it’s always prudent to pray first. Ask guidance from God and seek intercession from the saints through a novena to help guide you in finding the right person for you. Non-Catholics may ask, “What is a novena?” Any devout believer knows that it’s a prayer session lasting for nine days, usually done with special intentions, such as a prayer for the dearly departed, thanksgiving, and even asking for help in finding that perfect someone in your life. 

Once you have equipped yourself with prayer, you will start your Catholic dating journey. And since the first date is a crucial step in a relationship. It’s essential to make a good impression on your date, discover more about the person, and build rapport. You can achieve these goals by having a good conversation with your date. However, you must be mindful of the things you ask. There are some topics to ignore during the first date

To help you break the ice and prevent awkwardness during the whole meeting, here are seven questions to ask your Catholic date:

1. How Are You?

There are tons of things that make people anxious on their first dates. Of course, they want to make a good impression, so they’ve probably prepared and even asked friends about tips on how to look good on a first date. To break the ice and help your date feel confident and less anxious, make it a point to comment about how great they look and ask them how they are. You’ll be surprised that this seemingly innocent query could break the ice and start a good conversation.  

2. Where Did You Grow Up?

It’s a great question to ask your date about their childhood and family background. Asking them where they grew up is an excellent conversation starter because it can lead to many exciting topics and stories about their family, siblings, education, and interests while growing up.  

See Also: How to Date Remotely During the Covid-19 Pandemic

3. What Weird Name Will You Use As A Screen Or Pen Name?

First dates should not feel like a job interview. Yes, you are interested in knowing more about the person, but you should make your short time with each other fun and light, especially during the first few minutes of the date. Asking someone this seemingly ridiculous question will help gauge if the two of you would click as a couple.

4. What Values Or Morals Are Significant To You?

Since you are dating a Catholic, you can ask topics that may feel awkward to other people but are okay to discuss with the religious. If you want to know your date better, it would be a good idea to inquire about significant things from them. You’ll be able to glean if your date is family-oriented, active in church or missions, or only has time for career advancement. Knowing these things will help you see if you two are an ideal fit. If you are someone who cherishes family, it would be good to know if the person in front of you is close to their family or considers them as treasures.

5. What Is An Ideal Relationship For You?

Many Catholics are interested in long-term relationships. The devout ones believe in monogamy, so they are dating to find the right one and not just someone playing around. That said, it’s okay to ask relationship-related questions that may sound intrusive for non-religious folks. If you are also looking for a partner for life, then this is a straightforward question that will help you decide if you’d be interested in having succeeding dates.  

So, what are the things you need to learn from this question? Mainly, you’ll know what an ideal partner your date desires. Are they interested in a conventional type of relationship where the woman stays at home and takes care of children while the man provides for the family? Or are they independent thinkers or free-spirited focused on adventure, career, and knowledge?

See Also: Where Is the Best Place to Go on a First Date?

6. What Are Key Qualities You Are Looking For In A Partner?

This question is an excellent follow-up to the previous one. However, please avoid sounding like you’re interviewing your date. It would help to ask it in a funny or not overly profound way. Additionally, you don’t want a litany of qualities. You can probably ask them to limit their answers to three or five traits. 

If you two have established rapport, you may want to know what kind of person your date likes. If your date cannot answer this question, this may be an indication that they are still unsure of what they want in life. This reaction could be treated as a red flag because it would be hard to get into a more serious relationship with someone who doesn’t know what they want. 

7. What Makes You Happy?

What makes you happy is another good question to gauge your date’s level of maturity and introspection. First, it’ll give you a glimpse of the person’s passions. You’ll know if they are enthusiastic about something. For example, they will answer serving the Lord gives them joy. In that case, you’ll know that this person is a devout Catholic, so attending mass, participating in church activities, and doing volunteer work are things that occupy their time.  

Now, if your date buckles or laughs at this question, then you could treat this as another red flag. You don’t want someone who does not have an idea of what gives them joy. This reaction may be a sign that your date could be a potentially clingy partner or even someone who doesn’t care. For a relationship to be robust and healthy, the two parties must know how to cultivate joy.

Bottom Line

Many people feel awkward and uncomfortable during first dates. However, by asking the right questions, you’d be able to break the ice and have a fun and meaningful conversation with your Catholic date.

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