Common Reasons Why Some Women Have Issues Having an Orgasm

Not all women are able to orgasm easily and there are reasons for that.

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When it comes to copulation, most people are looking for that Big-O – the orgasm (and if you are really lucky more than one). Unfortunately, for some people achieving that peak of satisfaction is not always that easy.

Frustration is inevitable when it comes to not being able to hit that climax and experience the pleasure everyone else seems to be raving about. But have no fear for you are not alone. In fact, according to the Archives of Copulationual Behavior, a whopping 35 percent of women are unable to orgasm from copulation. And that doesn’t take into account women who can’t ever seem to achieve orgasm, even from masturbation.

There are any number of reasons why a woman might not be able to orgasm. From health issues to not knowing your own body, some of the reasons are actually fixable.

Reasons You Might Be Having Issues Achieving Orgasm

You Don’t Know Your Own Body

Right off the bat, one of the most common (and even surprising) issues a lot of women have is not knowing their own body. You have to know yourself in order to know what will work for you. Maybe you need a lot of stimulation or a harder touch. Maybe you need a slow build-up. Unless you know what you need personally, you will never be able to achieve that seemingly hard to reach climax.

Negative Feelings

If you have negative feelings towards copulation or even your self, you are going to have a harder time reaching orgasm. Unfortunately, negativity can have an impact on your ability to let go and enjoy yourself. If you suffer from confidence issues, your likely going to be spending too much time in your head and not enough time enjoying the moment. Stop with the negativity (and we know that is easier said than done) and let go. If your partner wants you, then why are you worried (they really do know what you look like already).

Issues With Intimacy

Intimacy issues can stem from a number of factors. Whether we look back at self-confidence as being part of the problem, or even past trauma, having issues with intimacy can put up a road block on the way towards an orgasm. You may need to talk to someone in order to find a way to work passed these issues. Intimacy is an amazing thing, and being free to find intimacy with a partner is key to achieving a truly mind-blowing climax.


There are some medications that have side effects that can impact your ability to achieve an orgasm. Unless you talk to your doctor, you may not know if there is a way around this issue. Pay attention to the things you are taking and if there are side effects to mixing medications. You never know if there is a way to deal with these unwanted side effects unless you speak up and ask questions.

Health Issues

Health issues tend to go hand-in-hand with medications, but there are certain medical issues that will have an impact on your ability to reach orgasm. Certain conditions (diabetes for example) can have an effect on your nerves. That can have a serious impact on your ability to climax. In fact, nerve damage could mean having to find new ways to find pleasure. Either way, this once again a situation where talking to your doctor is important.

Constant Physical Pain

Pain (and we don’t mean the fun kind) can have a negative impact on your ability to orgasm. The fact is that if you are focusing on that pain, even subconsciously, you won’t be able to relax enough to enjoy copulation or masturbation. Just like with other health issues, this is something you will want to talk about with a professional. They may be able to find ways to alleviate the pain, without having to resort to medications or other things that could further impact your ability to reach orgasm.

Ultimately, there are any number of reasons why you might be struggling to have an orgasm, whether on your own or with a partner. If you can pin point the problem, you should be able to find a way to get around it. Of course, it won’t necessarily be easy, but it will (hopefully) be worth it.

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