Eat Well in the Winter with These Seasonal Foods

They are healthier and more delicious than ever because they're in season right now.

Image Credit: from Pexels

When you eat foods that are at the peak of their ripeness, you find that not only do they taste the best, but they also cost less than when they are out of season. And if you are looking for the perfect in-season foods this season look no further, because we have you covered. These foods are perfect in the winter and for your wellness.


You’ve probably had these sweet seeds before whether on a salad or sprinkled on top of your oatmeal. In regards to your heart, that’s a good thing. Pomegranate seeds are full of antioxidants, more so than most other fruit juices.  They have more than three times the antioxidants of red wine and green tea. (But that doesn’t mean you should give up the red wine!)

And if you are wondering why antioxidants are such a big deal, it’s because they help remove free radicals, protect your cells from damage, and reduce inflammation. Drink the juice of a pomegranate for more than 40 percent of your daily requirement of vitamin C. Pomegranates taste good in so many foods and prevent cancer, Alzheimer’s, Arthritis, and more. Beyond that, it’s also great for your digestion for a happy belly. 


Eat more squash, specifically more winter squash. Between butternut, acorn, and spaghetti squash, you have a bunch of excellent choices this season. Squash is great for you for so many reasons and good on its own, or mixed with other things. Basically just eat all the squash!

Bake an acorn squash and add spices, or use it as the ‘noodles’ in acorn squash lasagna. It’s so versatile, and not to mention, healthy. Squash is full of water and therefore it is very low-calorie. For a whole cup of squash, it’s less than 100 calories. Also, squash is high in vitamins A, C, K, and B6. It’s a good source of potassium and folate. All these vitamins help boost your immunity, manage diabetes, prevent infections, improve your lung health, regulate blood circulation, and more. Consuming squash also helps improve your vision and strengthen your bones. Plus, it can be sweet or savory and used for any meal of the day. Yay for squash!


Not everyone will agree that potatoes are healthy but if nutrient dense and filling aren’t healthy, than nothing should be! Baked potatoes with toppings are delicious but you can use them however you want. They’re good for you, too. Potatoes help boost your immunity as an excellent source of vitamins C and B6. They are full of folate and fiber, too. Potatoes are good for your skin, help to treat rheumatism, and scurvy. They help prevent cancer and reduce inflammation along with lowering blood pressure and helping the brain to function well. Go potatoes!


Fruits are good for you and specifically of the citrus variety. Lemons, limes, oranges, and grapefruits are their yummiest and juiciest during the winter, so get your hands on whatever you can! Citrus fruits like these are loaded with vitamin C. In fact, a medium orange delivers you more than 100 percent of your daily needs for vitamin C! Citrus fruits are good for your heart, your immune system, and your skin. They are also full of fiber, potassium, and water. Good, good, and good. 


The darker and the leafier, the better. Kale, swiss chard, and collard greens all thrive in the chill of winter, even when the rest of the produce section looks a little rough. These types of greens are filled with vitamins A, C, and K, and are good sources of folate (sound familiar). Eating dark and leafy greens helps burn fat, helps your heart stay strong, and they’re good for your gut. You can mix them with cheese, bake them off in the oven,  or incorporate them into a salad, any thing you want!

This produce is the best during this time of the year. It tastes great, is a good price, and is healthier than ever. Eat all the citrus fruit, greens, and potatoes this winter season. Cubed, seasoned, and baked potatoes are an easy and delicious side, and a salad with all the dark green is so delicious with a vinaigrette or balsamic and oil dressing. Happy, and healthy, eating!

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