Food & Dating strives to educate, interest, excite, and inspire those who are foodies, romantics, and playful at heart.
Posts on the Food & Dating website are helpful, not self-promotional. No jargon or corporate speak. Keep it interesting, conversational and fun.
The audience is foodies and singles that are interested in dating. They love to eat out or cook at home.
The following are required in order for your post to be accepted.
Word count:
- 800 (min) – Please don’t limit your post based on this number. Most of Food & Dating’s posts range from 800 – 2500 words.
Focus Keyword:
- You post MUST have a focus keyword
- The keyword should be present in the first paragraph of your text
- The keyword should be sprinkled 3-4 times and spaced naturally within the body of your text
- Link to 1 -2 authority content whenever relevant. Every link included must add value for readers.
- You MUST link to 3 Food & Dating internal posts
Paragraph length and spacing:
- Keep paragraphs short. No longer than 4 lines.
- We adhere to the one space after the period philosophy, not two.
- Use headers and sub-headers to break up your post.
- Avoid big blocks of text.
- When writing headlines be specific and indicate a benefit to the reader.
- Use bullet or numbered lists.
- End the post with a conclusion, that brings together the thoughts you have expressed in the post content.
We love images on Food & Dating, it is NOT required for you to produce an image with your post, We shall handle that on our end, but if you do provide specific images you want to be included in your post, follow these requirements:
- The main post image(Feature image) MUST be 1200 x 627
- Post body images within the text MUST be 600 x 400
Author bio:
Providing the author bio is OPTIONAL, but if you want to include bio, follow the point below;
- An author’s bio should be 50 words max.
- Link to your Twitter, LinkedIn, or website.
We may edit your post or bounce it back to you for revisions. We may edit anchor text and links that are not relevant to your post. Sometimes scheduling may change but we will let you know ahead of time.
We ask that your article not be published elsewhere previously.
We ask that your articles be submitted 7 days prior to your scheduled run date.
Please plan to promote your post throughout your social networks. We ask that you share it more than once on multiple networks over multiple days. The time frame and scheduling is up to you.