Finding Love with the Help of Your Dog

Walks don't just have to be for your pooch, let your dog help land you a date!

Watch Your Dog Land You a Date

We all love to stop and say hello to the sweet pouches on the street. With their cute little faces and happy wagging tails, it’s impossible not to want to cuddle up with those lovable furry beasts. If you stop to think about it for a moment, those are actually pretty great qualities for a wingman—especially since that wingman can’t steal your date!

I wouldn’t suggest going out and getting a dog just to get a date. I will say though, that having a dog can make any household happier. And if they help you in the dating department while they’re at it… well, that’s not necessarily a bad thing! There are lots of ways a dog can get you a date, and they aren’t sleazy, so don’t worry! Instead, let me help guide you through them!

Having a dog gets you out of the house.

The great thing about dogs is that they need to go outside to pee. They usually also have a lot of energy they like to burn. This means your dog will take you off the couch and out into the real world. Where you are much more likely to get a date! You can switch up your routine to meet more people. Or you can pick a favorite park with a certain favorite person you like your dog to run into…. Either way, your chances for meeting someone to date increase when you leave your house. Which is how your dog will help land you a date.

Your dog will introduce you to others.

Without even trying your dog will introduce you to more people than the best wingman out there. Walking down the street, with a bag of poop in hand, people will flock to you and your cute pup. Take advantage of the encounters. When the charming stranger is done petting your pet’s sweet noggin introduce yourself. See where things go!

Talking about your dog is an easy icebreaker.

When you find yourself standing in line next to a hottie unable to figure out how to start a conversation, complain about the dog hair on your coat. If they’re the pet lover that you’re looking for, they’ll be sure to respond. Find yourself in a lull of conversation with the person you’ve been trying to work up the courage to ask out? Bring up your dog! Once you two are relaxed, talking about adorable little animals, Segway to that first date. And watch as your dog gets you a date.

Learning to care for a dog will teach you to care for others.

One of the greatest things about having a dog is the way they teach us to care for others. When your puppy wakes you up at 5am after a night of drinking, head pounding, you might think there’s no way you’d move. But one look at those cute puppy eyes and you’ll find a way out of bed and down to the street to let the little guy pee. So much responsibility a dog instills inside of us, you’ll even somehow remember to grab a poop bag!

Having a dog shows you’re a good caretaker.

Your love for your dog will exude out of you. When my last love came to my place for the first time and saw me cooing to my dog, she decided to spend the night. The next morning when I whispered to her to keep sleeping while I took my dog out to pee, she decided she’d be seeing me again. A few kind acts to an animal imprinted on her my deep sense of caring for others, and she immediately wanted in. Sure our hearts belong to others now, but that just means she’s come clean about how much my dog helped us get together!

Your dog will teach you how you should be loved.

The unconditional love your dog offers you will teach you how you should be loved. This might not sound like your dog getting you a date but let’s face it—a bad date isn’t worth it. The kind of date we really want are the ones that know how to treat us right. We, of course, have to reciprocate (see above point). But what it comes down to is that until we know how we should be loved, we’ll never know what to look for in others. So your dog will help get you a date by helping you figure out what you want from the person you would be dating.

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