How to prepare for the first date

A few tips and tricks you could use.

first date

If this is your first time going on a date or asking someone out, it’s quite natural to be nervous, create scenarios in your head and follow some date tips. A few days prior to the date, if not already, your mind will probably be bombarded with various random thoughts and scenes, which are most likely to not even happen in the first place.

Who can do my homework for me?’, ‘What if my false lashes fall on my cheek during the date?’, ‘What if I miss the storming of Area51?’, ‘What if  I don’t find a person to do my essay and I will have to stay at home writing an assignment?’ As embarrassed as you might think you will be, let’s just clear the air for some of you, because NONE of that is happening.

You’ll never know for sure, so why even bother thinking about it?

There are a few tips and tricks you could use in order to help comfort yourself and prevent panic attacks. From finding an ideal location to being realistic and taking all the tiny details into consideration. Here is what you would need to do.

Do not stalk them 

If you two met over social media or through mutual friends, you’re probably not well aware of each other’s personality, background, etc. You might be quite tempted to stalk them over social media and be all Sherlock when it comes to finding out more about them.

But you’d better ditch the idea of finding them online and developing a perception of them before a meeting. You can get to know them better when you are face-to-face and indulged in a conversation. Talk about ‘don’t judge a book by its cover.’ That is exactly something you want to avoid.

Plan the perfect venue 

Consider a venue that might be suitable for both you and your date. It would be best to ask each other’s preferences unless you are not already aware of what your date likes.

Whether you opt for a classic stroll in the park, a romantic candle-light dinner in a fancy restaurant, a movie date, going bowling, or roller-skating, it totally depends on you entirely, but make sure you have visited the place beforehand, so to avoid any misfortunate events.

It is also a good idea to have a back-up plan in case the first location you intended on visiting turns out to be a complete fail for whatsoever reason. If you’re planning to have lunch or dinner, do discuss what your date might like to have, so you don’t end up on the wrong takeaway or restaurant.

Dress to impress

Edith Head once said, ‘You can have anything you want in life if you dress for it.’ The same rule applies when it comes to impressing your date. By that we don’t mean to dress unnecessarily extra, be comfortable, modest but stylish, and above all, be YOU. It would be best to know where you are going in advance, so you don’t show up to a restaurant or a park dressed inappropriately.

You must be presentable, and above all, maintain your hygiene. Being clean gives off a really good impression and puts you in the right vibe as well.

The first date tip for ladies would be to ensure your makeup is on point; ask your friends for help if you want, and have your hair styled in a way that keeps you comfortable throughout the date. Do not do anything that puts you out of place or something you are not familiar with, just to be safe. 

First impressions matter 

Sure, how you present yourself, whether it is the way you look, the clothes you are wearing, the choice of color if your shoes or accessories match your outfit, and above all, if it fits right for the occasion.

Another thing you would need to take care of is the little details. Your body language and manners matter a lot, even when you are in your subconscious state of mind.

Be punctual, so you don’t give off a negative impact on not being responsible or interested enough. Relax at all times and do not stress about whatever happens, just go with the flow and stay calm and composed.

Be confident 

Regardless of what you’re wearing, how you look, or the place that you go to, you must remember to be confident at all times. From the moment you step in the room to first impressions or even getting to know each other better, trust your gut, and stay relaxed. Clear out any whimsical or negative thoughts that come to your mind.

Do not think of extreme situations on a spectrum. Usually, people end up believing they would never be liked or their date may be out of their league. Don’t be too negative. Stay positive and remain confident. Not only is it attractive, but it also boosts your vibe and self-esteem.

Talk like an intellectual  

While you are with your date on a dinner or strolling through a park, avoid awkward silence, ensure you prepare some questions beforehand. This way, you will not come off as boring, and you will also get to know each other better. Ask smart questions about your date’s profession, their aims in life,interests, and dislikes.

Notice their body language and immediately change a topic if your date feels uncomfortable. It could be due to their personal reasons and experiences unless they don’t open up, you can politely ask once and then just drop it. The last thing you would want to do is make them feel uneasy being around you.

Ask for help

A good idea would be to ask others around you for help. You could always call for your close friends and family members who are currently or have been in relationships, and note down any points that they think might have helped make a date even better. Seeking advice from others rarely goes wrong.

Be yourself 

Above all, know that you could be as cool as a cucumber, as attractive and witty, but at the end of the day, your personality always matters. Be genuine and yourself, so your date gets an accurate impression of you.

Avoid fakeness to impress them, as it would be misleading, and could give a negative effect to your date in the future when they figure out your true self. Stay true to yourself and let your inner spirit shine and come through.

The final word:

By now, we hope to have provided you with assistance in every aspect of your first date. Stay calm and relaxed, ensure you get good sleep, and cancel out any plans on that day, so you don’t end up being late. If you have a test or an assignment prior to your date, don’t worry about it, you can log on to “do my paper” website, and it will take care of your essays or research papers while you enjoy your date. Be careful of the little details and stay comfortable and be yourself. 

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