The Best Homemade Grey Poupon Mustard Recipe

Why Buy Your Grey Poupon When You Can Make Your Own Using Only a Few Simple Ingredients

Time To Try Homemade

Grey Poupon, a company embedded in the Kraft Heinz franchise, makes the absolute best mustard. That being said, are you sick of buying the tiny Grey Poupon mustard jars and running out after a week of making sandwiches? It is time to try this recipe and make your own. This mustard recipe is delicious and tangy, and it tastes exactly like Grey Poupon. You can use it for marinades, dressings, or simply as a spread. The options are endless. I am going to tell you the few ingredients needed and simple steps to perfection. It is more economical and now you can make as much as you want and never run out!

This recipe only takes around 15 minutes and will yield 2 cups. Feel free to double or triple the recipe for more.

What You Will Need

The good news is that these are all fairly common ingredients you may already have in your kitchen. The only specific one you may have to go out and buy is the mustard powder, but you can easily find that at any local market.

Interested in more recipes? read 9 Vegan Recipes For The Busy Individual

The Grey Poupon Process

The aging is a crucial step in the process so be mindful of how long you need to wait before cracking open your fresh mustard. For more about this recipe, as well as reviews, see Delicious Homemade Dijon Mustard.

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