How to Pick the Perfect Restaurant for a First Date

How to Pick the Perfect Restaurant for a First Date

We all know that first dates can be intimidating. It’s exciting meeting someone for a date, but can be nerve-wracking.

The last thing you want to worry about when it comes to a first date is where to go. That’s why we have rounded up some tips for you to follow when thinking about planning a first date!

1. Check The Infatuation App

The Infatuation is an app that gives honest and detailed reviews of restaurants in major cities. Infatuation is currently available in cities like Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, and more.

The app even has a section of restaurants that have been rated (by people who visited it in the past) on whether or not they would be a good setting for a first date! (What more could you ask for?!)

For example, Infatuation rates the restaurant "Spacca Napoli" in Chicago an 8.5/10 for a first date. The reviewer says the restaurant is "off the beaten path, and the space is small, a low-key dinner here feels intimate. ..It’s also in the kind of tree-lined neighborhood that you can go for a very cute walk in afterward." –The Infatuation App, Review by Sam Faye

There’s really no way to mess up when you use this app.

Tip: If you live in a city that doesn’t have The Infatuation app, check another restaurant review app like Yelp instead.

2. Choose Your Favorite Spot

Another way to make sure your first date is a hit is to simply choose a restaurant that you already know and love!

Besides the fact that you know the food will be great, you will also feel a little more comfortable being in a space that you already know and like. Being in that space may help calm your nerves and relax you in front of your date.

And, you’ll have something fun to talk about with your date: why you like the food there so much!

3. Ask Your Date What They Like

The worst case scenario on a first date would be to pick a restaurant that your date doesn’t like at all. Or, they could even end up being allergic to the food you picked, or have certain strict dietary restrictions. To avoid this, make sure to ask your date what kind of food and cuisine they like best, before you plan the date. Do they like Chinese? Italian? Mexican?

Asking your date what they like is the polite thing to do, and shows that you are considering their feelings, rather than just your own. It also allows you to learn a little bit more about them, which is what first dates are all about, right?!

4. Check the Menu/Price Out

Going to a restaurant that is expensive on the first date can be intimidating and awkward for the other person. It puts a lot of pressure on the date, and makes it seem very formal.

To avoid this, do some research about the restaurant before you plan on going there. Search for the menu and price list online to make sure that the price is right.

"Don’t pick a five-star restaurant if you’re on a two-star budget," said KarenLee Poter, internet talk show host and author. "If you’re feeling out of place, it starts the date out on the wrong foot. Conversely, if you pick somewhere that you’ve been to before or that shows a little about your creativity and personality, you’ll be that much more ahead of the game."

On the other hand, don’t choose a restaurant that is too casual. Would you take someone you really like to McDonald’s, on the first date? Consider the impression that you are giving off to someone by choosing a particular restaurant. Don’t give someone the idea that they are a "cheap date."
A person sitting over a gourmet meal at a long table with numerous plates and wine glasses

If you follow the tips mentioned above, you will be sure to have an awesome meal and first date. Most importantly, remember to be yourself on a first date and consider the other person!

Photo by Jay Wennington / Unsplash

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