How to Shop for Your SO This Christmas

Don’t be that person. Shop in advance. Yeesh. Some people.

xmas gift for SO

Not everyone feels the Christmas spirit come December.

While many shoppers love to embrace the pre-emptive cheer of big-box stores selling Santa merch in September, others (such as yourself, perhaps) recede into Scrooge-like states, grumpily waiting for January to arrive. But this year, something’s different: you got yourself a significant other that you would do anything for—even if that means clawing through the zombie hordes of holiday shoppers just to get your bae that infinity scarf she’s been wanting.

So, without further ado, here’s your go-to guide to surviving shopping for your beloved SO for those dating during the holidays. Ah, what you wouldn’t do for love.

Make Like Santa and Make a List

If you want to come out of stores during the holidays unscathed, it’s best you make a list and stick with it. Make a budget for yourself and try not to stray away from it—because those BOGO women’s skincare products can really add up when you’ve piled ten of them in your cart.

You don’t want to be stuck walking aimlessly in a huge store full of anxious Christmas shoppers—make sure you know exactly which aisles you need to go to and what you’re looking for. In and out, baby!

Better yet, try curbside pickup out and save yourself all the stress of the aisles.

Check What’s in Stock Ahead of Time

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Most stores come with an online storefront that tells you precisely which items are in stock, how many are left, and in which locations you can find them. This tool is especially handy when shopping for your SO during the holiday season. Even if you choose to browse in-person, don’t blindly step into the overly-air conditioned walls of a big-box store without at least an idea of what’s available.

Pick Unique, Thoughtful Gifts

Christmas gifts aren’t about quantity; they’re about quality (unless you’re a kid; then, in that case, they are very much about quantity). Your SO will appreciate a single, well-thought-out gift over a few haphazardly-wrapped discount bangles and a box of chocolates.

So, put in the effort this year and try these cool gift ideas out for size:

Don’t Leave it to the Last Minute

Nothing screams “thoughtful” less than a DVD of Bad Santa wrapped in construction paper with a giant clearance sticker on the packaging. Your SO will know if you left all your shopping to the last minute because, chances are, if you didn’t do it early, you probably couldn’t find the gift you were looking for. Even if you budgeted accordingly and picked out the perfect item, it’s no use if it’s not under the tree come Christmas day.

Don’t be that person. Shop in advance. Yeesh. Some people.

Give Small Businesses a Chance

Now, more than ever, small businesses are in need of some good ol’ Christmas spirit (and by spirit, we mean sales). Don’t just give your business to the Walmarts and the Targets of the world. Instead, save yourself the stress of the big-box holiday frenzy and buy sweet, charming gifts from a local boutique!

Just Do It, Kid

Even if you’re dreading the thought of navigating the crowded aisles of giant stores as screaming children rupture your eardrums with their gleeful giggles (yuck), remember that all your efforts will be well worth it when your SO flashes that winning smile (and maybe something else, hehe) on Christmas day.

So, good luck, Grinch. You got this.

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