How to Turn Your Local Food Trucks into a Culinary Dating Experience

How To Turn Your Local Food Trucks Into a Culinary Dating Experience

With food trucks continuing to gain in popularity and so many types of cuisine available to choose from, it makes sense that you might consider incorporating them into a date, whether it is a day time lunch date or a more typical night time date.

In some cities, the fun of the food trucks stems from having to essentially hunt them down, whereas in other locations there is a set spot where you can find these restaurants on wheels. Whether you are hoping to snag dessert or make the food truck experience a full meal, the fun of this type of date could be the chance to try something new with your partner.

If you are lucky enough to live in a place where different food trucks congregate, then you could turn the date into a tasting of sorts. The fun of the food trucks is that you can accommodate both of your food wish lists without even having to compromise. In fact, if you are feeling especially adventurous, this could be a chance to sample a little something from multiple trucks and figure out what your favorites are for the future.

Depending on where your food trucks are currently offering their tasty wares, you might end up enjoying your meal in the park or at the beach. Either of these options offers a great chance to turn your food truck date into an impromptu picnic. If your food truck excursion doesn’t offer you this option, that does not mean you can’t find an interesting spot to enjoy your meal or if your food is truly portable, this could even be a walking and munching excursion.

If you want to go even further with this culinary dating experience, you could actually turn the date into a fun game of sorts, with the food trucks as the main attraction. In order to make a game out of your food truck dining experience, you could actually make up score cards for your meal and rate your finds.

These would not be the typical score card, but rather something fun and potentially flirty, such as making columns that can be checked off based on taste, presentation, desire to come back for more, the design gracing the truck itself or any other idea you might come up with to engage your partner.

Another fun option is to do a bit of a blind tasting and have your partner guess what they are eating based on flavors alone. While your date might know what you ordered if they were standing next to you at the time, can they recognize some of the flavors that have been incorporated into your meal?

Either of these options, the tasting or the score card, makes the meal even more interactive and gives you something more to do than just chat about your day and eat your meal.

When it comes to incorporating an experience like food truck dining into your dating life, it is all about having fun and trying something new. While you could certainly take your date to a food truck that you have already tried before, there is something to be said for both of you getting the chance to experience something new together.

Not only does this kind of date offer a change of pace from the standard dinner or lunch date, but it also offers an excellent chance to potentially explore your city and try new culinary delights.

In order to make the most out of your food truck date, you should definitely check out the local scene and learn more about how the food trucks in your area work.

Maybe there is a food truck festival or rally happening in your area that you could take your date on or if you have a set location in your city where the trucks congregate this could be your date of choice. No matter how the food trucks in your area work, doing some research beforehand will give you a chance to prepare for a fun and adventurous culinary experience.

Whether you choose to share your food truck finds or perhaps do your own thing and order dishes that you have no intentions of sharing, this is an excellent chance to go on a culinary adventure together. Of course, the best way to finish things up is to get something sweet and share a dessert while enjoying your time together.

Image credit: Phillip Pessar on Flickr

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