Long-Distance Relationship Boredom: How to spice Your LDR Up Again

Is your long-distance relationship beginning to lose its spark? 

There’s no doubt that being away from your partner is tough, and it takes a lot to make it work. When the initial excitement passes, you might begin to question whether it’s all worth it as you’re stuck in a rut and going through the motions. 

 The great news is that there are some super simple ways of spicing up your long-distance relationship that will make your partner remember why they fell in love with you. 

Here are seven ways to make your long-distance relationship great again. 

Surprise them with a visit

Sometimes you just need to be with your partner to reconnect with them. 

Arrange a romantic weekend away in a place that’s easy for you both to get to, or go the extra mile (quite literally, in some respects!) and visit them wherever they are. 

Few things are more romantic than turning up at the front door of your partner with a fresh bouquet of flowers. When you’re together, plan a special meal out followed by a night under the covers. 

Your partner will love the effort, and it will definitely re-ignite the flame between you! 

Plan a special online date night

If you can’t be with your partner for whatever reason, you can arrange an extra-special date night online. When it comes to long-distance date ideas, use you imagination to spend quaity time with your LDR partner.

For example, you could order your partner’s favorite takeaway and have it delivered at the same time as yours. You can then enjoy your meal together over Zoom or Skype.

Alternatively, you could organize a movie marathon night. Turn on Netflix or Amazon Prime and stream your favorite movies simultaneously. Maybe you’re Harry Potter geeks or Twilight fans. Whatever your thing, grab some popcorn, a bottle of wine, and watch your movie ‘together.’ 

Just because you can’t be together in person, it doesn’t mean you should stop making a special effort on date night. 

Write them an actual love letter

Letter writing is somewhat of a lost art. Receiving a handwritten letter is so uncommon these days that getting one through the post would be a memorable experience. 

You could tell your partner how much they mean to you and how much you’re missing them in your letter, and maybe even include one of your favorite pictures of you both together. 

 If you fancy yourself as a bit of a wordsmith, you could always write a little poem, too! Failing that, quote Shakespeare and let the experts work on your behalf!  

Have a ‘virtual’ day out together

If your partner is working or studying away from home, it’s an excellent opportunity for you to explore a new place with your partner on Facetime or WhatsApp video exploring it with you. 

Take a big red bus tour, explore an ancient castle, or wander around a museum or art gallery, showing your partner what you’re up to on the phone. 

It’s actually a super fun experience as your partner will make you laugh by giving their thoughts on your day out. 

Just be sure to have unlimited data on your smartphone if you plan something like this, as you don’t want to have to rely on public WIFI if you’re moving around a new city! 

If you are stuck at home because of the pandemic, another option is to take an online virtual tour from one of these museums.

Send a meaningful gift

Almost every country in the world has access to online shopping, and next-day delivery services are possible on so many stores. As such, it’s never been easier to send your loved one a meaningful gift to show them how much you mean to them. 

But what do we mean by meaningful? Well, something that you’ve thought through. Maybe you send her a bunch of the flowers you bought for your first anniversary, or send him a bottle of the cologne that he was wearing on your first date.

If you’re stuck for ideas, you could always look on this site for long distance gift ideas that could help your loved one feel loved in a long-distance relationship. 

Plan something with your partner’s friends or colleagues

If your partner is living in a different place, you could get in touch with their closest friends or work colleagues and plan something with them. 

For instance, you could ask her best friend to take her out for dinner and drinks and send some money to pay the bill. Alternatively, you could ask one of her friends to prepare her favorite meal and pay for the ingredients and a nice bottle of wine. 

 Although you can’t be there to enjoy it with your partner, it shows that you really care about them and are trying extra hard to make an effort. They will certainly love you for it! 

Make your partner a video

Making your partner a video is a creative way of spicing things up in a long-distance relationship. What should you include in the video? Well, that’s totally up to you! 

Maybe you could film yourself singing their favorite song, walking the dog, or doing something [ahem] a little naughty! 

 When you can’t be with someone in person, it’s nice for your partner to see your face and hear your voice while you’re doing something other than just staring at the screen. It might help them think more about the relationship and even send something back to you! 

Closing thoughts

There’s no getting away from the fact that long-distance relationships are hard. For them to work, both partners need to work on it and make an effort to show the other person how much they love and care about them. 

Hopefully, these simple ideas will help you see that you can make an effort to spice up your long-distance relationship without having to spend a fortune, and your efforts will go a long way to helping the relationship work.  

For more long distance relationship tips check out this article: 6 Tips for a Long Distance Relationship

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