Paleo Versus Keto Diets

Have you ever wondered what separates the Paleo diet from the Keto diet? Here is your answer.

We all know that true health comes from a healthy lifestyle. You cannot just eat healthy for a day, to be healthy. You cannot just go to the gym one day, and be fit.

Alternatively, you will not be unhealthy from just eating out at a meal or having a dessert. And you will not lose all your muscle and gain a lot of weight from skipping one gym sesh.

And now to my point, there are some healthy lifestyle diets that can really help you hit your goals, on the scale, in your health, and at the gym. These are the Paleo Diet and the Keto Diet.

You’re about to learn all about Paleo and Keto. Foods that make up the diets, things you should abstain from, and easy ways to make these diets work for you, as a lifestyle, and not just a part-time fix.


The Paleo Diet is a diet full of vegetables, fruits, healthy, lean meats, and healthy oils and fats from nuts and seeds. For Paleo, there’s no dairy, no grains, no legumes, and no sugar except for honey or agave. There are so many delicious dishes to enjoy while on the Paleo Diet. But it will take you a little while to feel good.

When you first start with Paleo, you will not feel great. The more fresh foods you get into your body, the better. But if you are coming from a diet filled with processed foods, snacks, and a lot of eating out, like most of us are, your body isn’t going to want all these fresh and water-filled foods, or so it thinks. But do it anyway! Get through the couple bad weeks and see how amazing you feel soon. You will have less brain fog, be losing weight, and you won’t constantly feel full, bloated, bloated, and tired.


Keto stands for the Ketogenic Diet. For keto, the best thing to consume is healthy fats. Your body will burn fat instead of carbs (because you aren’t eating any.) Also, your body won’t burn the protein, because you are eating a lot less. This diet is characterized by eating 60% fat, or even up to 70%. But you must concentrate on healthy fats or you will blow your diet while on keto, too.

The best part about keto is that healthy fats are satiating, and they taste good, too. Here are a bunch of great keto foods to get you started:

And while you should have some carbs on keto, you should be getting your carbs from vegetables. The best are leafy greens, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, beans, cabbage, celery, cucumbers, jicama, black olives, mushrooms and green peppers, onions, and tomatoes. The best fruits to enjoy on keto are avocados, blackberries, blueberries, cherries, cranberries and currents, melons, raspberries, and strawberries.

When you eat keto, make sure you eat a ton of vegetables, covered in the oils and fats from above. You can include dairy and meats, but remember, healthy fats are the best thing for you on keto.


Both diets include bacon! Yup, I sold you on that I bet. Also, with both diets, your body will feel off, ok bad, for a good couple of weeks or so until you adjust. (Try it anyhow, you’ve got your willpower, use it!) Both Paleo and Keto concentrate on healthy fats like ghee, oil, nuts, seeds, and both include protein, too.

The hardest part for most people is no carbs, and it’s pretty much true. But if you’re paleo, you can do sweet potatoes and make fries, pancakes, and potato hash. And for both diets, non-traditional flours like Almond flour will make a bread, biscuits, and more. Try them out, see how you feel, and enjoy along the way.

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