Pet-Friendly: Why Hotels and Catering Places Start Letting Guests with Pets World Wide

From catering to their customers to earning additional revenue, learn more about why businesses are becoming more pet-friendly around the globe.

Several years ago, most public places prohibited taking pets with you, but now pet-friendly establishments are everywhere, and they gladly open their doors for pet owners and their furry friends.

The world is actively changing nowadays, and these changes cover all possible life spheres without exception. Modern people strive for freedom in everything, and they don’t want to follow rules that limit them in any aspect. And if back in the day, corporations set the rules and decided on who they want to see in their hotels and cafes, today visitors become trendsetters and change old-school standards. A wide range of all possible hotels and restaurants lets people have a choice since otherwise, they risk losing financially reliable clients.

Today, pet admirers don’t need to leave their furry friends at home or place them in specialized shelters during their absence. The number of pet-friendly places is constantly growing. And some of them gladly allow you to visit their establishments and are ready to provide the best quality puppy food or some cat goodies to make their four-legged clients’ lives as comfortable as possible. What things encourage hotels and catering places to change their policy rules?

The Number of Pet Owners Has Increased

We’ve already mentioned that the times are changing drastically. Today, every third person wants to hire a psychologist and get a pet. These both cases have already become a certain trend that doesn’t lose its popularity. People change their attitude towards themselves and everything around them.

Today, they don’t use dogs only as guardians or perceive a cat as a mouse catcher. These creatures have become full-fledged family members whose feelings and needs are taken into account. And many pet owners don’t want to leave their furry friends in specialized shelters even for a while since it seems too cruel with respect to their little friends. Furthermore, considering the fact that traveling is in vogue nowadays, pet-friendly places are in demand.

Well, besides, the scientists have proven that pets can help reduce stress levels and deal with anxiety. So, if you have some psychological issues, it can be a great idea to get a pet and take it with you to create more common and comfortable surroundings.

Business Owners Want to Show Their Loyalty

You might have noticed that many business owners try to do their best to promote their brand and show their loyalty. The latter is of great importance for many visitors since such an attitude is charming and evokes too pleasant feelings, so they become regular customers who bring good stable profit. Indeed, most people are conservative by their nature. They don’t want to try different places here and there if they have already found one that meets their expectations and requirements.

Many people go to the same places for years, so introducing new options and demonstrating great loyalty affects the brand’s name. And since many establishments want to broaden their clients’ base dramatically, they do their best to attract new clients and keep the old ones. Some cafes and restaurants divide their territory into sections to meet the needs of different customers. Thus, smokers and non-smokers can attend the same café and feel comfortable on the same par with pet owners and those who don’t want to dine next to someone’s dog.

Nobody Wants to Lose Profit

Many people treat their pets as little kids and ready to spend money on everything required for their furry friends. So, when they go traveling, they take their pets with them. And since the number of such travelers increases, hotels and catering places that prohibit animals lose an impressive percentage of clients. Thus, today, any restrictions result in a huge loss of profits since clients would rather choose rivals with a more flexible policy than follow unwanted rules.

In other words, you either follow the modern tendencies or trail far behind. Of course, there will be clients who don’t want to share their hotel or a restaurant with some pets owners, but these people will be in the minority. If a pet is trained and doesn’t violate your boundaries, what are the problems with it?

They Want to Make Additional Money

When you book a hotel room, the chances are high that there will be a refrigerator full of various goodies that you can get for an additional cost. A mini-bar usually costs a pretty penny, but there are still those who use it every time they stay in a hotel. Thus, a hotel makes good money on additional services. And the same goes for pet-friendly places that can offer you a range of services to please your four-legged friend.

For example, you can order hill’s science diet cat food, purchase some toys, dishes, and even beds and poop bags, not to mention grooming services and similar things. Every such thing can cost a fortune, but pet owners are ready to shell out just to please their little friends.

Some establishments go even further and allocate special places where you or a specialized person can entertain your pet. It is an analog of a playroom or a playground for kids.

It may sound weird, but the last tendencies show that people choose to stay child-free, but they don’t mind getting a pet and treating it this way. And of course, various catering places are ready to open their doors for visitors with animals and provide the latter with special cuisine, depending on the breed and its eating habits. Thus, such pet-friendly options are becoming a source of additional income and moving the place to a new service level.

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