10 Tips for Spicing up Your Relationship(both Emotional & Physical)

emotional relationship

Taking things to the next level and spicing up your physical and emotional relationship can take some forethought and planning and also some ideas. So, here are some of the latter.

1. The Power of Touch

You just can’t underestimate the power of touch. If you are the type of couple that might not be overly affectionate, then this one tip will probably kick your relationship to the next level.

This includes the deep conscientious caresses, kisses, and hugs, but also the light and casual tugs, pinches, massages and hands placed on an arm, shoulder or lower back in passing.

These physical actions send strong signals that your guy/gal is on your mind and in your affections.

2.  Dress a Little Copulationier

The way you choose to dress (and undress) will play a huge role in expressing your confidence, sensuality, and interest to your significant other. Is there a special color or item of clothing they have complimented you on?

Maybe a particular outfit, pair of jeans or shirt that accents your most attractive assets? Loveplugs say that these things ought not to be overlooked in a fun and exciting relationship.

Take this further by ordering some hot and spicy clothing selections for bedroom fun as well –– copulationy clothes aren’t just for women-folk either, there are some terrific lines of male bedroom-wear that your partner will absolutely adore!

3. Take a Bath Together

Provided you have a bathtub that can comfortably fit the both of you, taking a bath together is a wonderful way to set a romantic mood of sensuality and leave all the issues of the world aside.

Candles, soft music, a glass of wine and profuse rose petals are nice, but you can also just hijack your partner in the shower. There is nothing as fun as soaping each other up, washing hair, scrubbing backs and enjoying the sensuality of each other’s magnificent naked bodies.  

4. Use Aromatics

The use of aromatics is an especially potent way to establish emotional response, evoke pleasant memories and create new ones. Use his/her favorite perfume/cologne at all those special moments when you are sure to be close and snuggling together.

5. Plan Un-Orthodox Dates

Part of your attraction to each other will be seeing how you react in new and exciting situations. Consider surprise dates on the rooftops, a walk through a torrential rainstorm (unless there is lightning), a hike across the hills outside of town or even a special breakfast date during the week at a favorite breakfast spot.

6. Keep Up With Regular Dating

Don’t be that couple that sits back on their laurels and relegate date night to next “love day” or emergency situation. Dating is something that has to be done all the time especially if it was something the two of you really enjoyed at the onset of your relationship.

Don’t allow the fires to burn low, stoke them plenty with creativity, audacity, and adventure.

7.  Don’t allow the Bedsheets to Cool

Keeping things fun and exciting in bed is crucial to keeping each other stimulated and mutually-attracted. This can begin with expanding each other’s sensual horizons with an in-depth conversation on the subject.

Knowing each other’s intimate fantasies, desires and sensual preferences is not only very liberating but deepens the bonds between you. So grab the Full-Color Illustrated Kama Sutra on your way home and consider flipping through and taking some notes together.

So grab the Full-Color Illustrated Kama Sutra on your way home and consider flipping through and taking some notes together.

You never know where this journey into each other’s tantric energy will end.

8. Make-Out Sessions

How long has it been since you and your partner actually sat back and made out? Not the cuddling and pecking, but real passionate face-to-face action that used to happen in high school?

You may find that the feel of your partner’s lips, the sound of their panting and the smell of their closeness is the very thing that ignites your sensual energies puts the verve back in your affections.

9. Wine is a Jester

Yes, wine will make you do some pretty foolish and crazy stuff. So, what better place to whip out a bottle of fine wine than in the company of someone you love and trust.

Wine can help to lower inhibitions and allow two prosaic souls to shed their hardened demeanor and let their inner children come out and play with each other.

If you are not an alcohol-drinker, there are chocolates, teas, and ice-cream that can be enjoyed by candlelight. It’s not really what you are drinking but who you are drinking with.

10.  Send Copulationy Messages

It’s not all about your game in the bedroom, the best relationships have plenty of action going on at all times of the day or night.

Take advantage of the time you spend away from each other to send creative and engaging messages that are copulationy, flirtatious, naughty, edgy or whatever you know will get that desired reaction.

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