5 Essential Items to Bring on a Picnic Date

Planning a picnic date is relatively straightforward, especially when you follow this helpful guide.

A picnic is a fun but inexpensive outing, whether you’re looking for a safe quarantine date idea to get you out of the house or struggling to pick the perfect first-date restaurant. Why not scrap the pricey dinner altogether and take them for an intimate, thoughtful picnic instead? 

If you do, don’t forget these five essentials!

#1 Cozy Picnic Blanket

Once upon a time, picnic blankets were nothing more than thin layers of fabric with funky and vibrant designs. Nowadays, you can find luxurious, waterproof picnic blankets for those cold weather dates. Keep your pants dry even on damp grass, and curl the cozy fleece around your shoulders for extra warmth (and a little extra cuddle time).

Bringing a picnic blanket on a picnic date is a no-brainer (it’s in the name!) but bringing the right one will take it to the next level.

#2 Assortment of Favorite Foods

Picnic food can include whatever you want it to, as long as it travels well and is relatively easy to enjoy. However, there are definitely some classic picnic meals that we’d recommend: 

Room-temperature or cold foods are easiest to deal with on a picnic. Cured meats almost certainly won’t go bad in the time it takes you to drive or walk to your destination, but if you feel more comfortable you can pack it up in a refrigerated picnic cooler. 

#3 Wine or Cider

As you enjoy your delicious meal, you’ll need something to wash it down. What better than a glass (or two) of wine? 

Finding your perfect wine is the easy part. But how do you keep it cold on your picnic?

Easy! Leave the bottle behind and pour it into your insulated wine bottle ahead of time. This will keep it chilled all night long, plus you can forget about the corkscrew, bottle opener, and shady looks from the family nearby—move along, nothing to see here!

#4 A Little Something For Dessert

The perfect meal isn’t complete without a little bite of dessert, no matter how small. You can bake or buy in-store, just be sure to round out the evening with a hint of sweetness:

#5 Bonus: A Hint of Ambiance 

If you’re looking to set the mood with this picnic, pack a few extra items to sprinkle some romance into the air:

Enjoy The Fruits of Your Labor

Planning a picnic date is relatively straightforward, especially when you follow this helpful guide. Once the cooler’s packed, the location is decided, and the wine is chilling in the tumbler, all that’s left to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy your evening with that one special person.

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