Relationship Habits Busy Couples Need to Maintain Intimacy

Maintaining intimacy is important, and being busy is no excuse to ignore your partner.

I’m just trying to win at work, stay in touch with my friends, workout, love on my hubby, eat healthy, text everyone back, go hiking and live my life. You know, like those memes.

But there is one thing I never try to skimp on, and that’s my marriage. We are a busy couple and we work hard to maintain intimacy. We aren’t at all perfect but we try hard. These are all the things we do to maintain that closeness.


Out the door, in the door, and whenever else you want. I love to kiss. It’s sweet and tender. Sometimes it makes you melt and it can feel truly exhilarating. It can say, “I love you,” “Hi,” “Bye,” Thank you,”” and so much more. Don’t forget to be a kissing couple!


Texting is unlimited now. I mean, is there any plan that isn’t “unlimited?” Plus, if I don’t tell you something right away, chances are I will forget. And who doesn’t love to get a text? Sharing what you ate that day, where you went, who you saw, how you feel about the weather, what you’ve been doing at work, fun facts, or a flirty love text will just let your person know you are thinking of them. Plus, it will feel like you are together.

Little Love Notes

I go real old school with this one, actual handwritten mini love notes. Lunch box, pocket, wallet, wherever you know they will find them is a good place to put one. Say something nice, something inspirational, or even just, “I love you!” Or, “Have a great day.” It doesn’t have to be long and well written, just about anything will show them that you care and are thinking of them, even when they are not right next to you. Make sure to sign XOXO!


Yes, copulation. Copulation is important to maintain intimacy within your relationship. Unless you are a new age couple that swings or has an open relationship of some sort, the only copulation you should be having is with your person. And therefore, copulation is the most intimate and special thing you can do with that person. So keep your copulation life strong, schedule it if necessary, (yes this is a thing, especially if you’re busy,) and save your wanting, throbbing, and urges for your person. Waiting for a time with them only increases your pleasure and interest and the more you have copulation, the more you want to have copulation, so keep it up!


Yup. Tell them they look great today, how copulationy they are, how much you love them. I’m proud of you, I’m so lucky to have you, say whatever you know to make them feel good! Be sincere and it will show. And they will be so thankful. I even go full on cheesy and have “compliment conversations.” Yup, I say a compliment, my husband does, I do, my husband does and so on.

Life is nothing if not people loving people. Be good to your person! Stay close with them through kissing, texting, love notes, copulation, and compliments.

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