Romantic Camping: Tips for a Successful Getaway

Love is undeniably one of the best feelings in the world; when you fall in love with someone and feel loved in return, that lucky person seems to become your everything.

Often times, you catch yourself smiling at odd moments or your stomach does a somersault whenever they cross your mind (which, we can all admit, occurs increasingly often). All of a sudden, you come to the realization that you want to keep him or her by your side forever.

It doesn’t take long before you begin to think up ways to keep the relationship fresh and fun (let’s face it, monotony does tend to poke its head into relationships after a while). Among the countless options at your disposal is ‘’Romantic Camping’’: a quite traditional leisure activity that affords you and your partner an escape from your norm.

Many couples go on picnics or adventures together and sometimes, they make camp overnight to enjoy themselves further. In this article, we’ll be discussing a few tips on how to have a fun-filled, successful romantic camping trip with your lover.


This is probably the most important decision in your planning phase. Wherever you choose to camp with your partner will go a long way in determining if you’ll be creating happy, life-long memories or if you’ll end up regretting ever going on that trip.

You may wonder why it’s so vital to choose a with care, seeing as it’s easy to just pick a place at random. Imagine for a moment attempting to camp in your front yard; keeping in mind that your goal is to spend quality time ALONE with your partner, you can probably understand how this choice of campsite would force you to contend with a lot of distracting factors.

It wouldn’t do to have the mom-next-door scream her head off at her kids for playing on the lawn while you’re trying to get a passionate kiss out of your or to have your cuddle time interrupted by irritating car honks, blaring at random intervals.


Camping, especially for romantic reasons, is one activity that requires a lot of preparation – you want to get everything right. Depending on the kind of setting you like, items or equipment you’ll need may differ. For instance, if you decide to spend the night out at a camp, you’ll be needing much more than just a plush mat and some soda.

A lot of things will be required, and you don’t want to end up without a vital piece of equipment. Making a list of everything you’ll need will help you avoid forgetting important stuff. Below is a list of some of the most essential equipment for camping:


This may seem an odd inclusion on the list of tips but if you really think about it, you realize how important entertainment is for your trip. You might say “my partner and I have each other – what other entertainment could we need?”, but the point of going on a camping trip with your partner is to have even more fun than you usually have at home.

When you are out in the wilderness with no distractions, hours of just talking will get boring, fast. It’s wonderful that you two have fun on your own, but it can never hurt to try out different entertainment methods. Nothing is wrong with soft music playing in the background while both of you are cuddled up, staring at the stars.

Bringing a board game like Monopoly and having a go isn’t such a bad idea either. Fine! You’re so crazy in love you don’t want to take your eyes off of your partner or stop talking with them even for a minute? Why not play a game of Truth or Dare; you don’t only get to have fun daring them, you can also build intimacy by asking questions to get to know them on a deeper level.

Making a fire and dancing around it sounds like fun too. The point is, you will enjoy the trip even more if you have different modes of entertainment. Take the time to plan according to your partner; reflect on what they enjoy doing and tailor your activities toward that.

In conclusion, it’s important to do some preparation before taking off on a romantic camping getaway. However, no matter how much you plan and scheme for your romantic outing with your partner, some things may not turn out as expected.

Be patient and take things slowly; the goal is to have the best time you can with your partner. Savor every moment and always keep a positive attitude, and the memories you create will be sure to keep you smiling long after the camping trip is over.

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