The Sweetest, Yummiest, and Most Indulgent Pancakes

With all the chocolate toppings, and one non-chocolate topping.

Everyone loves pancakes and for so many, the sweeter the better. While butter and maple syrup make classic pancakes, adding sugary sweet toppings can really add to this treat.

Some of these combos are so sweet, they should be dessert! Or heck, breakfast and dessert!

Peanut Butter and Chocolate

Peanut butter and chocolate creates a sweet but mostly savory, delicious, and rich pancake topping. Melt peanut butter and chocolate together and drizzle it over your pancakes. Or roll up your pancakes and dip them in your chocolate and peanut butter “sauce.” No matter what, chocolate and peanut butter for your pancakes is a must. You will love it.

Coconut, Chocolate, and Pecans

Melt chocolate to use as a drizzle. Shake coconut shreds, and broken pecans pieces over the top. Coconut and chocolate are sweet and fresh and the pecans give it that candy bar taste but all melty and eaten over a pancake topping. Yum.

Nut Butter and Jelly

Peanut butter and jelly is indulgent in itself, and on pancakes, it’s extra indulgent. No matter what your favorites are, they all work for topping pancakes. Peanut butter and strawberry jelly, almond butter and raspberry jam, and sun butter and orange marmalade are great pairings, just to name a few. You can warm them up in the microwave together as a dip and drizzle or simply spread some of each on top.

Marshmallows, Graham Crackers, and Chocolate

Pancakes. I mean s’mores. S’mores pancakes? All the flavors you love, plus pancakes. My mouth is literally watering. Break up the graham crackers and add chocolate shreds, and mini marshmallows right to the batter. Then cook your pancake batter and add some more of the toppings to the top. S’mores pancakes are for anytime. Like right now, for instance.

Triple Chocolate Topped

Top your pancakes with chocolate ice cream, chocolate fudge, and chocolate jimmies. This has all the chocolate  and is beyond decadent. Add some vanilla extract to your pancake batter, and a dash of cocoa, too.

Powdered Sugar, Hot Fudge and Whipped Cream

If you thought this was an elephant ear, the fried dough from the fair, than you’re almost right. Topping your pancakes with powdered sugar, hot fudge, and whipped cream is nothing short of a sugar coma, but who’s counting? This indulgent threesome is going to be your new favorite way to eat uber indulgent pancakes.

Chocolate Chip Cookies and Whipped Cream

Because it’s basically cookies and cream. And then you add it to pancakes. And it’s crunchy and creamy and oh so delicious. Drizzle hot fudge over it all and you have really outdone yourself, and stepped up your pancake plate.

Vanilla Ice Cream and Chocolate Fudge

Vanilla and chocolate. Yin and yang. It’s like a chocolate fudge sundae on a pancake. Then it’s all melty, cold and creamy, and pancake-y, what is better than that?

Pancakes are for Sunday mornings, breakfast for dinner, or even dessert! For these, the more indulgent the better. What’s your favorite pancake topping? Is it as indulgent as these?

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