The Benefits of Masturbation and Why We Should All Be Masturbating

The Benefits Of Masturbation And Why We Should All Be Masturbating

When it comes to copulation, there are some topics that remain embarrassing to talk about, and even with people being more open and honest when it comes to their sensual activities, there is still one thing that continues to lead to shame and embarrassment and that is masturbation. It seems that while people might not mind talking about their copulation lives with others when it comes to pleasuring one’s self, this is when it becomes harder to share.

While masturbation may seem like an uncomfortable topic to discuss for some people, it is something that almost everyone does at some point. Although men typically masturbate more than women, this is something that should change as it turns out that there are a lot of benefits to masturbation. In fact, not only will pleasuring one’s self-lead to healthier relationships, but it turns out it is also good for a person’s overall health as well.

Even though masturbation has a bad reputation because of religion and preconceived ideas, these are old-fashioned concepts that need to be forgotten. Instead, it is time for people to embrace the fact that in reality masturbation is actually good for a person’s health and well-being. This is a natural act that still leads to both shame and regrets for some people and this is something that needs to change, but as with most things, it can take time to shift the way we think.

Perhaps the best way to change the way we think about the act of masturbation is to understand the many benefits it offers to a person. Knowing what something can do for you can go a long way to changing the way you feel about that thing, in this case knowing what the benefits of masturbation are, can lead to seeing the act in a whole new light.

5 Benefits of Masturbation:

Fewer Cravings for Junk Food

As shocking as this may seem, one of the side benefits of masturbation is a decrease in the cravings a person has for foods that are bad for you. The reason a person will have fewer cravings stems from the release of oxytocin into the system. Oxytocin is something that makes a person feel happier and in turn, leads to wanting less of those foods we find comfort in. In order to release oxytocin into the system it simply requires sensual stimulation, which means even without an orgasm to accompany the stimulation, you will still benefit from masturbating.

Quality of Sperm Improves

For men who masturbate, the quality of sperm actually improves. The reason for this is that there is always fresh sperm, meaning that there are fewer problems with movement and even DNA problems are minimized.

Better Bonding with Your Partner

Beyond just curbing your cravings, oxytocin is all about happiness. When oxytocin is released into your system, you will find yourself bonding better with your partner and feeling happier in their presence. Masturbation also helps to make it easier to be comfortable in bed with your partner and express your wants and desires, because masturbating helps you get comfortable with your own body and its needs.

Feeling Better About Yourself

When women masturbate, they tend to feel better about themselves. It is all about gaining a sense of confidence and appreciation for one’s self. Just by knowing what it is that you need in order to achieve satisfaction, it can change the way you feel when you join your partner in the bedroom. There is no need for another person to validate you because the reality is that you can pleasure yourself, so being with your partner is more freeing. You don’t need anyone else to find your pleasure, you can do it for yourself, being with someone else becomes all about wanting, not needing.

Daydreams Become a Lot More Exciting

When you masturbate, you allow your mind to explore and weave creative fantasies. Masturbation allows you a sense of freedom that can really propel your daydreams and sometimes it can help to really spice up your copulation life. Take those spiced up daydreams and bring the passion into the bedroom. Not only will your partner appreciate it, but so will you.

Masturbation is not a dirty thing to be ashamed of or to hide from the world. Instead, bringing yourself pleasure can change your life for the better. Not only can you improve your health, potentially reduce stress, and improve your copulation life, but it can lead to stronger relationships as well. There are a lot of benefits to masturbating and there is no right or wrong way to pleasure yourself. Have some fun and remember, you are doing this for your health and happiness.

Image via Chad Rogers – Flickr

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