Tips for Dating Workaholics

Workaholics can be hard to date, but with these tips you can find a way to make it work.

Dating a workaholic isn’t always easy. The late hours they work leaves little time for the two of you. When they have a lot going on, they can even forget to respond to your text messages. Sometimes it feels like you’re the mistress in their relationship with their job. It’s not all bad though. Dating a workaholic usually means they’re hard working people committed to their work. Those are some pretty good qualities to have in a partner.

If only you had an endless supply of patience so you wouldn’t occasionally forget why you started dating them in the first place. The good news is we have some tips and tricks to help you thrive in your relationship with a workaholic. Soon you’ll find that the freedom and space are benefits to your relations. So long as you’re doing the work in your partnership too.

Take Advantage of Your Free Time

It’s all too easy for two people to become completely consumed in each other at the start of a relationship. That wonderful mix of attraction and the fluttering hints of feelings leave us reaching for that next encounter. While it’s a beautiful way to start a relationship maintaining that level of constant interaction isolates us from the rest of the world. It takes away from the things that make us happy outside of our relationship. It’s a type of co-dependence that is ultimately unhealthy for the relationship.

That’s why dating a workaholic can actually be a benefit to you both. You have a built-in buffer of personal space and free time. A reminder to do the things that make you happy and to maintain the friendships and family relationships that you had before you started this relationship. These are all things that have been found to benefit long-term relationships.

Talk With Your Partner About Your Needs

It’s important to set your boundaries in any relationship but especially when your partner already has very specific constraints. The point of your boundaries aren’t to be obstinate or demanding, it’s to clearly state what your needs for intimacy in the relationship are—and I’m not just talking about physical intimacy.

Date night might sound corny, but it’s actually one of the chief factors in making marriages last (it’s useful for when you’re just dating too). The best thing about date night with your workaholic is the both of you pick a night that works for your schedules. You agree upon that night and can each take turns choosing an activity. Set rules for the night, no phones, no work, whatever works to fulfill both of your needs for intimacy.

Make Sure You Know How Each of You Love

A difficulty of dating a workaholic is what can feel like a lack of interest or love from your partner. Often times this isn’t because their feelings aren’t being expressed, but instead, they are showing them in different ways than you do. That’s why it’s important to talk about the ways each of you love.

Love Languages isn’t the only source for looking into the way you love, but it’s a great one. It discusses how some of us want love from words of affirmation, while others feel loved by getting gifts. Meanwhile, we might give our love in different ways from how we want to receive it. Looking at how both of you offer your love and wish to receive it will provide insight into what each of your needs and what’ already being given. Knowing that your partner has been saying that they love you, even if it wasn’t the way you wanted, can be the bridge you’ve been looking for to connect with them.

Have Patience With Your Partner

Sometimes we’re dating workaholics, sometimes we’re dating people with demanding jobs. If they’re putting in the work into your relationship as well as their job though, it’s worth finding the patience to be there for them. It can be hard at times, and you have the right to your feelings, but remember they’ve found something in life that they love so much it doesn’t feel like work. That’s a pretty special thing, it should be supported. So long as you’re being supported too of course!

Have any tips we missed? Let us know, we’d love to see what other couples are doing to balance their relationship with the workaholic’s schedule.

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