Tips for Staycations with Your Partner

Plan the perfect staycation with these helpful tips.

No time or money for a vacation, take a staycation! This means stay home but don’t go to work. If you’ve never had a staycation before, here are some tips to make it great!

Tour Your City

Whether you live in a huge and thriving metropolis or a small, quiet town, there is always something fun to do. Tour the places you cannot normally go to because you are busy with work and life. Explore a new hiking trail, visit a restaurant just for sweets and a drink. The possibilities are endless. Want to have fun on the cheap? Go window shopping, or even go one step further, and find a fun vintage shop to try on hats and take a selfie.

Binge Watch

Is there nothing better than falling in love with a new series, and watching it until you literally can’t anymore? I mean, hello! Need some suggestions? Here we go: Bar Rescue, The Walking Dead, Rules of Engagement, The Good Doctor, Baby Daddy, New Girl, The Flash, The Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow, and Modern Family.

And Dawson’s Creek and Copulation in the City. Yes, I said it. I didn’t want to nerd out on you too bad with these selections but these two are my top fav, and I watch them all the time. On repeat. Plus, they say that watching rom-com type stuff is good for your relationship. Why? Well, the people in these movies and shows go through real life issues, some fun and laughable and some serious and downright hard to deal with, and we get to watch it all, talk about it, and connect with our partner about it, even if we aren’t going through it ourselves.

Have Copulation

Let’s tell the truth, sometimes it is hard to fit in copulation. You are tired from the work day, sore from your workout, or sitting on the couch and still working. Plus, there’s sleep, cooking and eating, laundry and cleaning to fit in. I mean, the to-do list of life never ends. So, on a staycation, make it a point to have copulation. Get it in, literally and figuratively. Enjoy it and let it last or have a quickie somewhere you normally wouldn’t for fun.


And maybe even meal prep? I know, super not fun. But it could be! Honestly, cleaning is very rewarding. Hear me out. Something is dirty, then you wipe it down, and it’s clean. How awesome is that? Still missing the fun part? Okay well, you could clean and blast fun, danceable music during said cleaning. You could continue with awesome music throughout meal prep, too, or continue bingeing with your favorite show.

No? Not on my page? Well, let me tell you. These things might not be the most fun or the best way to celebrate a staycation, but they will make the week after your staycation a Hell of a lot easier. Plus, if the house is already clean and you have meals prepped and ready to go, you could spend the night after work doing something fun. Like being a tourist in your own city, binge watching shows, and having copulation, and forget the nasty cleaning. Happy Staycation!

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