Tips to Make Traveling with Copulation Toys Easier

Tips to Make Traveling With Copulation Toys Easier

Summertime is coming and that means vacation and romantic getaways, as well as wanting to just find somewhere new to explore. When it comes to traveling on a romantic getaway, one of the big things that a couple is usually hoping to get out of this time away is a chance to reconnect with their partner. Although reconnecting can be about being able to talk to each other, another form of connection is copulation. For many people, a romantic getaway is all about getting hot and heavy with your partner.

While props and toys may not be a necessity for a good time, there is nothing wrong with deciding to spice things up, even on vacation. Taking a copulation toy or two along for the journey can be exhilarating for many reasons. This is a chance to really have some fun and keep things spicy and hot in the bedroom (even if it isn’t your usual bedroom).

Traveling with toys can be a chance to loosen any inhibitions and even allow for comfort in an unfamiliar location. Plus, while we may be talking about romantic getaways, there is no reason that a solo traveler can’t bring their favorite toy with them on vacation. With the idea of solo travel in mind, this means that even the single ladies and gentlemen can enjoy their toys while also exploring somewhere new. However, no matter who you are traveling with, even if this means going solo, you can take a toy in a stress-free manner, because it is all about planning.

Once you have decided that you want to pack a toy or two for your travels, it is important to decide which toy (if you have multiple toys) you want to bring, and how to bring them safely. While you can choose to bring anything with you, it is important to consider how you are traveling and where you are going. Rather than going too crazy, consider keeping things easy for you, because this is about having fun, not being stressed over a toy. This is especially true if you are flying somewhere and dealing with check-ins and security.

Keep Your Toy Small

There are a number of reasons why you would want to keep your choice of toy small when it comes to traveling. If you have to deal with TSA, there are certain restrictions that need to be considered. Whether the toy goes in a checked bag or a carry-on, there are rules that need to be followed and checking the TSA website can be very beneficial to make sure you and your toy make it to the end destination together.

With the pre-determined TSA restrictions in mind, you may want to consider sticking to things like bullets, the personal/discreet massagers, and things that actually fit in your hand.

Shut and Lock Down Your Toys

Although this may seem rather obvious, it is important to keep your toy off when traveling. In particular, you want to remove any batteries, making sure to pack them separate from each other. Batteries can be a problem for toys, including making it hard to keep a good vibrator off, so to avoid any issues, embarrassment, or even dead batteries, it is best to remove the battery before packing it away.

Even if your toy is a rechargeable, you don’t want it turning on in the middle of traveling. Secure toys in such a way that buttons don’t end up getting pushed and buzzing doesn’t happen.

Store Your Toy

When I say to store your toy, I mean put it in a bag or small case. Specifically, you want something clear, but protective. The last thing you want if your luggage has to be searched (for any reason), is for some random stranger to be handling and touching your intimate toys. Not only is it less than hygienic, but really who wants someone manhandling something so private.

Speaking of hygienic, storage helps keep your toys clean, which is also important when you are traveling. While the clear storage will help keep your toy out of a stranger’s hands, it will also keep your toy from getting dirty in your bag or makes coming home easier too.

Remember that traveling is about having fun and so are copulation toys. You don’t want to be stressed for no reason over getting your toy from point A to point B, so if you follow these simple tips, it can make traveling with a copulation toy a lot more fuss-free.

Image by Hernán Piñera via Flickr

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