What Is It with the Grass-fed Beef Obsession?

What Is It With the Grass-Fed Beef Obsession?

In the past consumers have been led to believe that meat is meat, regardless of what the animal is fed and that the nutritional value does not change. However, that is not true. What the animal is fed determines the nutrient content of its products. Consequently, there are differences in the nutritional values between grain-fed and grass-fed animal products. The grass-fed beef is derived from cattle that only consume grass and other foraged products throughout their lives. Lately, consumers have become obsessed with the grass-fed beef. Here’s why.

Low in Fat Content

First and foremost, grass-fed meat has lower total fat when compared to grain fed beef. The low-fat content translates to lower calories. Ideally, fat contains nine calories per gram compared with the four calories available in carbohydrates and proteins. The more the fat content you consume, the greater the number of calories you need to burn.

In support of this, studies have also shown that eating grass-fed beef saves at least 17,733 calories a year with no change in eating. That reduction in calories intake coupled with maintaining a constant diet (hopefully healthy diets) can help you lose about six pounds in a year. This could be a solution to the obesity epidemic currently facing the United States.

Rich in Omega-3

Another reason raising the levels of grass-fed beef obsession is that it gives two to six times the amount of omega-3 fatty acids. Leafy vegetation (especially green ones) forms omega-3s in their chloroplast. Omega-3 is an excellent source of nutrition and comes with numerous benefits to your body. For instance, they are heart-friendly. People who have ample omega-3s in their diet are less likely to have an irregular heartbeat or high blood pressure.

They are also vital to the brain, and they reduce the chances of getting schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, depression, or attention deficit (hyperactivity) disorders.

Researchers have shown that omega-3 acids can reverse or slow the extreme weight loss that comes with advanced cancer 6 and that they can hasten cancer surgery recovery. The study continues to indicate that people with high levels of omega-3 in their tissues, which are found in grass-fed beef, are likely to respond to better to chemotherapy compared to people with low levels.

Reduced Carbon Footprint

Many people avoid eating beef due to environmental concerns, but research has shown that grass-fed beef is beneficial to the environment. It decreases the greenhouse gas emissions, improves the quality of run-off water from good-managed pastures, and it also increases the biodiversity of pasture ecosystems. The overall research concludes that the grassfeeding consequently reduces the carbon footprint.

Juicier and Delicious

Steak from a cow fed on grass is without a doubt finger-liking. It is, in fact, more nutritious as it has carotenoid precursors to Vitamin A like beta-carotene. It also contains more Vitamin E that is an oxidant found in the cell membranes protecting them from oxidation and contains more micronutrients such as Phosphorous, Zinc, Potassium, Iron, and Sodium. It is also often leaner as opposed to grain fed beef.

Enhances Your Insulin Levels

When you are eating grass-fed beef, you are also consuming a good amount of CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) that helps in having larger levels of insulin. Insulin sensitivity helps in the regulation of blood sugar levels. CLA is also important in the prevention and treatment of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and obesity. It is considered one of the strongest nutrients in the fight against cancer.

A study on women proved that women who were offered high amounts of CLA-rich foods had at least 60% lower chances of getting breast cancer over the ones who had little or no amounts of CLA in their diet.

Good for Your Bowel

Recent research by Consumer Reports has indicated that choosing grass-fed meat over the conventional meat results in less anti-biotic resistant bacteria as it reduces the risk of food poisoning

In Conclusion

It is possible to derive all the benefits mentioned above from grass-fed nutrients without attracting adverse effects and illnesses. It could also be your step forward towards living a healthy and abundant life. However, it is crucial that you handle and cook the beef properly to avoid any form of food-borne diseases. Grass-fed beef can be found from trusted locals (preferably ranchers). However, when buying this meat from your groceries or at the supermarkets look for products with certification from America Grassfed Association (AGA).

Image credit: Pexels

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