What are Pili Nuts?

Pili nuts, also known as Pacific almonds, are nuts that come from the fruit of the pili tree, native to Northern Australia, the Pacific Islands, and Southeast Asia. You can find the majority in the Philipines. They are being promoted by ketogenic, paleo diet followers, and vegans who look for natural food sources high in fat and low in carbs.
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Health Benefits Of Pili Nuts
If you are considering looking for a healthier diet and using Pili Nuts to substitute your cravings but aren’t a hundred percent sure if it is a better option then we want to ease your worries by sharing a few of their health benefits.
Supports Heart Health

Pili nuts contain high amounts of monounsaturated fats and Vitamin E. Both of which can lower the risk of heart disease. They also contain a significant portion of saturated fat. Which can raise unhealthy LDL cholesterol but the proportion of monounsaturated fats is greater than the proportion of saturated fat.
When consumed in moderation, one can still reap the benefits of the healthy fats that they contain.
Stabilizes Blood Sugar

The low carb content of pili nuts makes them an ideal food to incorporate into a diet for managing diabetes or high blood sugar. The high magnesium content may also be helpful in lower fasting blood glucose and regulating blood sugar levels.
It Supports Bone Health

Pili nuts contain manganese, phosphorous, calcium, magnesium, and potassium—all of which are important minerals to support bone health. Magnesium is essential for calcium and Vitamin D regulation in the body. Along with calcium, manganese and phosphorous are essential for bone-building and mineralization of bones.
Support Immune System With Pili Nuts

The high Vitamin E content in pili nuts helps support the immune system as an antioxidant that helps fight off free radicals and reduce systemic inflammation. A little bit goes a long way: a 1-oz portion of the nut provides over 60% of the daily recommended intake of Vitamin E.
Pili Nuts Have Antioxidants

These nuts are truly a powerhouse of nutrition. In addition to providing a wealth of micronutrients in every ounce, these healthy nuts are also brimming with a range of antioxidants. Pili nuts are especially rich in manganese, an important mineral that possesses powerful antioxidant properties.
Weight Loss With Pili Nuts

Pili nuts are relatively high in calories. One can enjoy them as long as you eat them in moderation. Since they contain a good amount of healthy fats and fiber, they can help keep you feeling full between meals to curb cravings and appetite.
Pili Nuts are Healthy Fats

Pili Nuts carry a healthy fat. It is a type of fat that can lower levels of inflammation to help protect against chronic disease. They pack nearly 23 grams into a single one-ounce serving. Each serving is also very low in carbohydrates, and many people use these nuts on keto to give their fat intake a quick boost.
How to Use-
Although it is primarily grown for its kernel, the nut is a versatile little thing and each part serves numerous purposes. Nothing goes to waste. You can also eat them as a vegetable. You can blanch it in hot water for three minutes before adding it to your salads. We can compare the boiled pulp with avocados when it comes to texture and nutritional value. The hard stony shells can be processed as activated carbon or charcoal briquettes and can be made into excellent fuel.
These nuts are very versatile and, as long as they are used sparingly, it can most definitely be used to help you live a healthier lifestyle.
If you need more motavation to eat some veggies check out Why You Should Eat More Spinach.