Yessssss. Romantic movies and date night, all in one! What could be better? These romantic movies are perfect for a date night in, or if they are showing them again at a local theater. Pop some popcorn, or buy some, cuddle with a blanket, and get ready, you’re gonna love it.
The Notebook
When these teens falls in love, they know they are meant to be. Even after separation, war, a new relationship, and outside engagement, and more, they always knew they were the one for each other. This movie is the sweetest. It starts out in an old folks home, with Noah reading a story to Ali. Turns out she has Alzheimer’s, and he’s reading her their story, that she wrote for him to read to her to help her remember. He spends everyday reminding her of their love, of him, and of their life together. With the beautiful views, dramatically gorgeous music, and this love story, this is the best romance movie ever.
The Titanic![]()
Where should I even begin with this romantic movie? Jack and Rose are the sweetest and cutest, and even though they don’t “end up together,” they are truly meant to be. He puts her first and reminds her not to lose herself. She praises his talents and she picks him. He even goes to jail for her and dies for her. In the end, she lives for him. These two show each other the meaning of true love and caring for one another beyond class and their place in life. Plus, there are fancy dinners, outfits, drama, suspense, and more. This movie is a keeper.
Pretty Woman![]()
Albeit, not your traditional romance movie, Pretty Woman is a romance movie nonetheless. She is the bad girl and he is the good guy, at least in life. When it comes to business, they are both scammers, or they want your money and will do whatever it takes to get it. Until the end, Edward softens and instead of ripping businesses apart and selling them, he wants to build things. And Vivian gets out of her business, with plans of going to the city and furthering her education. He picks her and she picks him right back. Aww!
Dirty Dancing![]()
This 80s movie has it all. The “bad” boy, the good girl, people from money, and people from the other side of the tracks. And the dancing, oh, the dancing! It doesn’t matter if you’re a master dancer or you hate it, this movie is fun to watch, if for nothing more than the dancing. The swings, lifts, moves, and shakes are cool to see and they really make you want to get up and move.
These romantic movies show people coming from opposite lives and making it work together. The Notebook shows everlasting love, whether both parties are aware of it or not, and Pretty Woman is a grown-up fairy tale meant to remind you that no matter what your life is like now, your true love could be just around the corner. Which romance movie is your favorite?