Corn on the cob is a classic, fan-favorite dish. We’ve now all grown to love it at many backyard BBQs and family dinners. However, we’re here to keep it simple: good old original corn on cob microwave style. As I like to say: if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it – and I think it applies perfectly here!
First cultivated in parts of Mexico and South America, we’ve now all grown to love it at many backyard BBQs and family dinners. Although it is typically considered to be a vegetable, corn is actually considered to be a grain. It is rich in antioxidants, fibers, minerals, and vitamins! There are plenty of different variations that have been made on this delicious dish, such as Mexican Street Corn and Parmesan Corn on the Cob.
Let’s admit it: we can all look for ways to improve our cooking games. Especially during quarantine – we have all of this extra time on our hand. Although it seems simple, doing things such as adding corn on the cob as a side to any dish counts! And whether you’re working overtime from home or handling the kids, we know it isn’t always easy to prepare a picture-perfect meal. However, corn con microwave methods will change your life.
We’re making the preparation easy for you. Although grilled corn on the cob is top-notch, sometimes you simply do not have the time. There are a couple of different ways of preparing the corn on cob microwave method. Each one saves you plenty of time in the preparation! Enjoy this perfect side dish.
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Method #1: Microwaved Corn on the Cob – Unshucked
Although there are other ways of doing the corn on cob microwave game, this one seems the most obvious! For this method, simply shuck your corn and place it in the microwave depending on how many ears of corn you are preparing. Follow this corn cob microwave guide:
- 1-2 ears = Microwave on high for 3 minutes
- 3-4 ears = Microwave for 4 minutes
*If you prefer softer corn, add an additional microwave minute
Allow them to cool. The husks keep the corn warm, so you can keep them unshucked until you are ready to serve. Enjoy!
Method #2: Microwaved Corn on the Cob – Shucked

This next corn on cob microwave method is similar, however, we are going to be unshucking the corn this time. Make sure that you remove all the husk and silk from each of the ears of corn before preparing.
For this method, you are going to:
- Place 2 ears on a microwavable plate
- Top with a second inverted microwavable plate.
- Microwave for about 4-5 minutes, until the corn is tender and deeper in color
- Drain water from the plate
If you’d like, feel free to add onto your side by spreading with butter and sprinkling with salt and pepper!
Add a twist to your corn by adding a seasoning!
To add a little extra flavor to your corn, create your own concoction of your favorite seasonings! Some of my favorites include salt & pepper, paprika, and if I’m feeling a little crazy, Parmesan cheese! You can really make it your own!
There are quite a few health benefits when it comes to incoorperating corn into your diet!
Some of the benefits of corn include:
- Being rich in vitamins: corn is rich in Vitamin B12, which helps the production of red blood cells in the body. As a result, eating corn can lower your risk of anemia!
- Vision: corn is rich in zeaxanthin, a substance which contains oxidative properties. It is known to prevent macular degeneration of the eye!
- It’s an energy enhancer: corn contains complex carbohydrates. This digests slower and, as a result, provides you with energy for a longer period of time!
- Lowers cholesterol levels & blood sugar levels: corn oil and sweet corn increases blood flow, regulates insulin and lowers cholesterol absorption
You’ve learned about some of the amazing benefits of incorporating corn into your diet. And you’ve also learned how to make it at home in a matter of minutes! So, you have no excuse not to try out these easy methods the next time you’re thinking about a side dish to have with your dinner!